Message to Philip Larkin

You traded on the weight of words past;
flogging a token offering
at the cost of virtue; 
lighting a damp rocket
with a spent match
your integrity seemingly, 
going, going, going…

Contradictory, media whore, 
I call you out,
though wait!

A deeper meaning perhaps?
give them what they want
leave a bit for yourself…

A childless man,
a man of middle years
pining for fields,
playgrounds of his youth
mourning a simpler life,
threatened by change,
while hitching a ride to the cemetery
on a Tory bus.

Your rhetoric here
though perfectly etched 
is soiled by indifference
yet sits nicely 
as a makeweight track 
on a third album.

Maybe, England heeded your words?
After all, fifty years have passed 
and trees remain 
though no one’s climbing
with louts shackled to devices;
there are fells and meadows,
lakes and ditches too.

Scarred by concrete, 
scorched by tyres, 
inner-city slums, 
yes, but England is not gone.
just changed, as all things are 
and will be…

There is green behind the grime 
just punch a hole in the ozone, you’ll find it.
So, count your coinage,
sip brandy,
present your spectacled smile
to an empty room,
and enjoy the company.

David RatcliffeComment